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My brain won't shut up.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Technorati reminds me that I have very complicated feelings in regards to blogging. When it comes to a business or organization, I can understand that you want to get as many people reading your blog as possible. There are also many blogs that are established to provide their readers with breaking news on various subjects, again I think that tagging can be extremely beneficial. My problem with all this is that I personally blog because it challenges me as a writer. It doesn't much matter if 2 people read it or if one person reads it and never comes back. Why not just keep a journal, right? Well, there's still that bit of risk involved when you're just pushing your words out into the ether. Myspace peeps are often obsessed by the number of "friends" that they have. I understand that as a typical blogger, tagging could lead more people to read your entries and increase your virtual friendships, I just never really looked at blogging that way. Still, it's wonderful to broaden my horizons by studying social tagging from other perspectives. I really do wonder what kind of impact this rapidly increasing trend of Internet socialization is having on our culture.


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